cl_proc - single machine statistics


usage: cl_proc [options] machine
     -s sleep            time to sleep between init and send calls
     -v                  verbose output
     -V                  really verbose output

cl_proc connects to the procstatd daemon on a remote machine and requests that the process statistics be sent back. As this could possibly be used to deny service to other users, only sysadmins should be given access to it (repeatedly pinging the procstatd port may cause a slight increase in the load of the remote machine).

cl_proc is a Perl script which uses the IO::Socket interface to connect to the remote procstatd.

By default, cl_proc will wait 1 second between the init and send calls to the remote procstatd. You can alter this with the -s option.

RCSID $Id: cl_proc.html,v 1.2 2002/03/12 14:11:18 jpormann Exp $