cl_quik - single machine "quick" statistics


usage: cl_quik [options] machine
     -s sleep            time to sleep between init and send calls
     -v                  verbose output
     -V                  really verbose output

cl_quik connects to the procstatd daemon on a remote machine and requests that the "quick" process statistics be sent back, not the "full" set of statistics (see cl_proc). As this could possibly be used to deny service to other users, only sysadmins should be given access to it (repeatedly pinging the procstatd port may cause a slight increase in the load of the remote machine).

cl_quik is a Perl script which uses the IO::Socket interface to connect to the remote procstatd.

By default, cl_quik assumes that procstatd is listening on port 7885. If this is not the case, then you'll need to use the -p option to reset the port number.

By default, cl_quik will wait 1 second between the init and quik calls to the remote procstatd. You can alter this with the -s option.

RCSID $Id: cl_quik.html,v 1.2 2002/03/12 14:11:18 jpormann Exp $