cl_stat - cluster status


usage: cl_stat [options]
     -o statlist         use alternate output stat list
     -2, -3, -4, -5, -8  put separator lines every # lines of output
     -s #                put separator lines every # lines of output
     -v                  verbose output
     -V                  really verbose output

cl_stat provides a text-based interface to the cluster status data otherwise available through the web. The most common usage is just cl_stat with no options, this will produce the same basic output as the web page, just formatted for a text screen.

As with the web page, this data is updated according to some pre-set schedule (usually every 400 seconds). Re-running cl_stat will NOT get new data, it will simply re-scan the same old data file. You cannot force the system to update any faster.

The most useful option is probably -s which provides separator lines in what could otherwise be a very dense page of tabular data. The -2 through -8 options are simply shorthand for the same thing.

By default, cl_stat reads the system-wide configuration file and produces the same output as the web page.

The -o option allows you to see different statistics than those found on the web page. You can specify a comma-separated list of identifiers:

cl_stat -o load1,mem_used,mem_total,users
This would display 4 columns: the 1-minute load average, the amount memory in use, the total amount of memory on the system, and the number of users currently logged in. You should look at the raw cluster data for more ideas on valid keywords to use in the stat list.

RCSID $Id: cl_stat.html,v 1.2 2002/03/12 14:11:18 jpormann Exp $